Manufacture Date Requests
Manufacture/Completion date requests are processed manually. This can take up to 90 days as they are done in bulk. Submit the form below and we will get back to you when the most recent update has been made. If you can not locate your serial number, it is found inside the soundhole and stamped up on the heel block.
Due to the volume of requests, we are limited to providing build date and model confirmation only. Current specs can be found in our product section by looking up your model. Please be sure to have your guitar registered here.
If you have a Victoria made label inside your guitar with a serial number between 0001 and 6000, or a 1980's style electric, please use the below chart for production year.
1977 - 0001 > 0250
1978 - 0251 > 0550
1979 - 0551 > 0850
1980 - 0851 > 1250
1981 - 1251 > 1850
1982 - 1851 > 2500
1983 - 2501 > 3100
1984 - 3101 > 4000
1985 - 4001 > 5000
1986 - 5001 > 6000
Where to find your serial number: